
Fruit Logistica Trend Report

Global megatrends are changing the fresh produce trade

Disruption in the distribution of fresh produce is the topic of the Fruit Logistica Trend Report 2018, which was compiled by Oliver Wyman. This year's report highlights the following questions:

  • What factors influence the global supply chain of fresh produce?
  • Where will fresh produce be traded in 2025?
  • Which distribution channels are used to deliver these goods to customers?
  • How will new technologies change the supply chain?

The report is devoted to global megatrends that are driving the disruption in the distribution of fresh produce. Demographic change, globalization, shortage of raw materials, innovation accelerators, new governance models and changes in consumer behavior have a direct impact on the way fruit and vegetables are grown, distributed and sold. The Fruit Logistica Trend Report also deals with the trends that will fundamentally change the fruit and vegetable trade in the future and looks at different areas of the distribution of fresh produce, from online food retailers to delivery services.